반응형 답1 [IELTS] TASK2 모범답안 (families) Q. People in many countries spend more and more time far away from their families. Why does this happen and what effects will it have on them and their families? 전 세계인들이 가족들과 떨어져 지내는 시간이 점점 증가하고 있다. 왜 이러한 문제가 발생하고 어떤 영향이 나타날까? A. People have to devote more time separated from their families due to their heavy workload that has come along with globalization. (devote: -바치다, 쏟다, 할애하다 / come along w.. 2023. 3. 6. 이전 1 다음 반응형