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[IELTS] 그래프 관련하여 영어로 작문하기

by Abraxass 2022. 9. 2.


1. 그래프가 상승하여 최고점을 찍는 경우

관련단어: top, peak, reach the highest point, topmost 

It recorded a peak of 1500 on Friday.
It peaked at 1500 on Friday.
There was a peak on Friday.
A peak amount of 1500 was reached on Friday.
The highest level is 1500.


2. 그래프가 지속적으로 하락하는 경우

관련단어: toward a lower level, descending, sliding

The trend is moving downward.
The number continued to go down between 1998 and 2005.
The graph showed a descending trend from 1998 to 2005.


3. 그래프가 지속적으로 상승하는 경우

관련단어: up, upward, to a higher level, increasing, rising, growing, ascending

The levels went up from 100 in June to over 1000 in September.
The general trend is upward.
The amounts moved in an ascending manner, from 100 to at least 1000.


4.그래프가 지속적으로 안정적인 경우

관련단어: stabel, constant, steady, even, stabilize, even out, become constant, steady

The trend was stable from Monday to Friday
The numbers remained constant throughout the weekdays.
