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[영문뉴스] 한국 터키로 긴급 요원, 의약품 등 지원

by Abraxass 2023. 2. 8.



Korea sending emergency personnel, medicine and aid to Turkey

Korea will send a team of around 110 disaster relief personnel and emergency medical supplies by a military transport aircraft after a devastating earthquake hit Turkey and Syria on Monday.



Korea will send a team of around 110 disaster relief personnel and emergency medical supplies by a military transport aircraft after a devastating earthquake hit Turkey and Syria on Monday.

devastating [ ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ ]: ADJ. 대단히 파괴적인 


The government will also provide $5 million in humanitarian aid to Turkey.

humanitarian: ADJ. 인도주의적인 


The instructions came after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey and northern Syria on Monday, followed by several powerful aftershocks, killing more than 5,000 people.

struck: strike - struck - struck(stricken) VT. 치다, VI. 공격하다, (재난이)발상하다


The Korea Disaster Relief Team with around 60 personnel was set to be dispatched to Turkey.

personnel: N. (조직,군대) 인원; 인사과

be set to V: -할 예정이다


Another 50 military personnel were expected to join the disaster relief team, which brings the total number of rescue workers to be sent to Turkey to 110, according to a Foreign Ministry official.


Korea's emergency relief team will determine the scope of its mission in coordination with the rescue teams of other countries and the United Nations, and will work closely with the Turkish government and the international community.

scope: N. 기회; 범위 VT.샅샅이 살피다

in coordination with N: N와 협력하여 진행하다


It's a tragedy.  I hope nobody get injured during the rescue.


