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[IELTS] TASK2 모범답안 (social network)

by hyoE 2023. 3. 10.



Some people believe that social media sites, such as Instagram or Twitter, have a negative impact on young people and their ability to form personal relationships. Others believe that these sites bring people together in a beneficial way. 

소셜미디어의 발전이 우리에게 어떠한 영향을 끼치는가?



New types of technology mean that you can easily connect with people throughout the world. Many believe that this is harmful and prevents us from forming meaningful friendships with others, while some people argue that using social media improves our ability to build new relationships. 

In my opinion, the negative impact is greater than the benefits, as I will explain.

서론: 소셜미디어의 장단점이 존재하지만 단점이 더 많고 그에 대해 이야기를 하겠다고 서술


Firstly, let us consider what makes a meaningful relationship. Being able to talk and meet with people is key and this can be done in person in the traditional way or increasingly online.

However, seeing people in the real world is very different from meeting them online. You can learn more about them and see them at both their best and their worst.

Therefore, your relationship is based on more than short text communication.


Many argue that modern social media allows us to connect with a variety of people from different places and backgrounds, which can be true. Nevertheless, these websites often lead young people into dangerous situations, for example, they may be bullied because of how they look.

(bully - bullied - bullied: VT. 괴롭히다)

Also, their personal information becomes available to all if they are not careful and they never really know who they are connecting with.

본론: 소셜미디어로 만드는 관계에 대한 단점, 그리고 왜 현실에서 만나는 관계가 중요한지에 대해 서술하여 주장 보완


While it is true that social media sites can be very useful and help us to connect and keep in touch with others, we need to be careful and not forget that we can only make real friends in the real world. I personally believe that these are the relationships that last a lifetime.

결론: 현실에서 진정한 친구를 만날 수 있다하며 마무리






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