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[영어] 비즈니스 메일에 자주 사용되는 약자 모음

by Abraxass 2023. 7. 27.



비즈니스 메일 작성시 자주 사용되는 약자들. 눈에 익지 않으면 메일을 확인할 때 실수할 수 있기 때문에 암기해 놓는 것이 유용하다. 그래서 정리하는 영어 약자 모음



ADV: advise

ASAP: as soon as possible

ATTN: attention 수신인

AM't: amount

AR: action required


BTW: by the way

BFN: bye for now

BCC: blind carbon copy

B/C: becasue

BK: back


COB: Close of business

CC: carbon copy


DEPT: department

DEP: departure


EA: each

ETA: estimated time of arrival

ETD: estimated time of departure

EXT: Extension


F2F: face to face

FW, FWD: forward

FT: front


HQ: headquarter

HWR: however


I/O: instead of

IMO: in my opinion


MOM: month over month


NTL: no later than

NRN: ne reply necessary

N/A: not applicable


PO: purchase order

PI: proforma invoice

PLS: please

PTTN: pattern

PLC: placement


QC: quality check


RFQ: request for quotation

RE: regarding

RSVP: please reply


SD: side


TBA: to be advised 

TBD: to be determined

TNX: thanks

T: top


UND: under


W/: with

W/O: without


YOY: year on year

YTD: year to date


