We reqeust that all cell phones be turned off during the meeting. (O)
We reqeust that all cell phones are turned off during the meeting. (X)
요구, 제안, 명령, 충고 를 나타내는 동사 뒤 that 절에는 should가 자동적으로 생략되므로 동사원형이 사용된다.
고등학교 영어 시간 & 토익 공부할 때 여러번 나온 부분이다. 물론 일상회화에서는 안지켜져도 문제는 없으나 고급 영어로 나아가기 위해서는 외워두면 손해보는 일은 없으니 암기하자.
insist, suggest, propose, request, recommned, require, demand, ask, command, advise
예문으로 공부하기
The source for this news insisted that I (should) not reveal his name.
The government insisted that the bridsge be constructed over the river to solve traffic jam.
My friend suggested that I apply for this job.
She suggested that we leave here before 5 P.M. to avoid rush hour.
The teacher recommended that I participate in the group meeting.
I prpose that we revise the rule.
The instructions require that we not use a red pen.
'english > grammar' 카테고리의 다른 글
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